Our Sermon for this week. Click here for our previous week sermon. 

65th Annual Christmas Concert 

Hope Lutheran Music Ministries will host the 65th annual Peace, Peace Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 8th. The performances will feature the Choir, Handbell Choir, Worship Team, Children's Choir and Instrumentalists.

Concert times are 10:41am and 2:00pm. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each concert. Admission is free. Audience participation in singing Christmas Carols is encouraged. Everyone is invited to join us for refreshments at the conclusion of each concert.

For more information, contact Jessica Finley, Director of Parish Music, at jfinley@lifeathope.org or 920-922-5130.

Pantry of Hope Christmas Meals 2024

Christmas meal boxes will be available once again for members of Hope who are in need of a holiday meal.  Please make your request by Monday, December 16th for pick up or delivery on Friday, December 20th.  Contact Sandy Barber (920-948-1663) or Stacey Moen (920-579-0748) to place your order.

A South Shore Christrmas 

A SOUTH SHORE CHRISTMAS, a concert of Christmas music presented by the 170 voice South Shore Chorale and Orchestra, featuring dancers from the Wempners' School of Dance, will take place 7:30pm Saturday, December 7, at the Fond du Lac High School PAC.

Click here to purchase tickets. Advanced tickets are $18, $23 at the door. 

Contact Gar Shields (920-922-9012) for more information. 

Simple Reflections 

Women of Hope – mark your calendars for an evening to renew and refresh before the Christmas rush begins! 

Please join us on Thursday, December 12th 6:30-8:00 pm for “Simple Reflections- a reflective evening by candlelight on God’s promise fulfilled." a special evening designed especially for women of Hope and beyond.  The event will be held in the church narthex. 

Under the hue of candlelight, the church narthex will be transformed into an elegant atmosphere where guests will enjoy wonderful desserts and fellowship.

If you are interested in volunteering  or serving as a hostess - please contact Tana George Laudolff at tglaudolff@gmail.com or 920-375-0367, or Katherine Enderle at k.enderle@yahoo.com to inquire about opportunities available. Additional information with be forth coming in Church Bulletins. 

The Board of Outreach will also be sponsoring a “taxi” service for guests needing transportation. Please contact Tana for this service. 

There is no charge for this event. Sponsored by the Board of Outreach. 

Picnic Shelter Fundraiser - 23% of Goal! 

Support for the picnic shelter fundraiser is progressing nicely.  We have now raised $33,752, 23% of our $144,480 project funding goal. Thank you all who have contributed to the project. 

The shelter will be used for a variety of events, including summer worship services, VBS, Sunday Night Live!, outdoor weddings and family gatherings. 

The 34' x 64' structure will feature wood scissor trusses with glulam beams supported by eight, nine-foot stone-wrapped steel columns. Weatherproof materials are featured throughout. 

A 1500-watt sound system coupled with custom LED lighting will provide users with an immersive outdoor experience. 

Click here for more detailed information. 

Can we rely on your support? Donation envelopes are available in the entrance of the Sanctuary. Be sure to note "Picnic Shelter Donation" on the envelope. You may also donate online and select the picnic shelter icon

Sermons Online 

Follow us online for access to sermons and Messages of Hope devotions. Videos of each are posted weekly on our YouTube channel and can be found on the home page of our website as well as our Facebook and Instagram social media channels. 

For those who do not have internet access, Weekly Sermon and Message of Hope DVD videos can be checked out from the church office. Call the church office at 920-922-5130 with any questions you may have. 

Follow our Facebook page where you will find daily posts devotional posts as well. 

Giving Online 

You are able to send your offerings through electronic transfer. One-time or reoccurring payments can be setup using either a checking/savings account or a credit card. All transactions are secured and completed through GivePlus and Vanco Payment Systems. This service also allows members to electronically make their MRD from their 401. Select “Give” on the church website to get started.

Free Transportation 

Are you or someone you know in need of a ride to Hope Lutheran Church to attend worship
services at no cost to you? The Board of Outreach is offering cab fare to and from Hope for any of our worship services for those in need. Please contact Quality Cab at 920-929-8888 for a ride.

A Community of Faith in the Heart of Fond du Lac
