Our Sermon for this week. Click here for our previous week sermon. 

St. Katharine Drexel Donations 

The St. Katharine Drexel Shelter is a temporary housing environment in Fond du Lac for singles and families experiencing homelessness. They are in dire need of toiletry supplies and are asking for donations. 

This is a partial list of some of the toiletry items that are needed: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream, deodorant, lotion, razors, hair supplies, feminine products, baby shampoo and lotion. 

Please bring your donations to the church narthex and place in the box marked "St. Katharine Drexel Shelter." Donations will be accepted through September 15th. 

Contact Parish Nurse Joan Farrell; 920-602-0912 for additional information. Thank you!

Picnic Shelter Fundraiser Update

Support for the picnic shelter fundraiser is progressing nicely.  We have now raised $28,227, 20% of our $144,480 project funding goal. Thank you all who have contributed to the project. 

The shelter will be used for a variety of events, including summer worship services, VBS, Sunday Night Live!, outdoor weddings and family gatherings. 

The 34' x 64' structure will feature wood scissor trusses with glulam beams supported by eight, nine-foot stone-wrapped steel columns. Weatherproof materials are featured throughout. 

A 1500-watt sound system coupled with custom LED lighting will provide users with an immersive outdoor experience. 

Click here for more detailed information. 

Can we rely on your support? Donation envelopes are available in the entrance of the Sanctuary. Be sure to note "Picnic Shelter Donation" on the envelope. You may also donate online at www.lifeathope.org/give and select the picnic shelter icon. 

Women's Retreat : Saturday, November 2

Women of Hope and friends, on Saturday, November 2nd we will have a Women's Retreat at church where we will embark on a "Journey Together." 

As followers of Christ, we live each day as pilgrims, traveling the path Jesus sets before us toward our forever home. Though the road may be rocky, God provides reminders along the way to show us that He writes our story, paves our path, walks with us always - and provides friends and fellow travelers to help us along the way. 

This women's retreat offers a few hours of fellowship, spiritual growth, uplifting music, and more. Watch for further details, but mark your calendars now - you won't want to miss it!

Hope Preschool & 4K Supply Lists 

We are looking forward to working with your child during the upcoming school year.  With your help and support, your child will have a wonderful and successful school year. 

To ensure your child's success, they will need a limited number of supplies.

3K Supplies

 Download the 2024-2025 Preschool 3K Supply List. 

4K Supplies 

 Download the 2024-2025 Preschool 4K Supply List. 



Don't Miss Out! Reserve Your Trip of a Lifetime Before it's Too Late! 

There are only a few spaces left on Pastor and Katherine's May 2025 trip to Ireland. Click here for additional trip information and to download your reservation forms.

Get your registration in now!


Preschool & 4K Registration 

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for Hope members and the public.

Visit our website; www.lifeathope.org/groups/preschool to learn more about our 3-year-old and 4-year-old programs. 

Registration forms are available on our website and also at the church office. 

Martha Ministry 

Did you know Hope has a Martha Ministry? It is an opportunity to serve members of Hope who may need help with meals for a few days after being hospitalized or just want or need a home-cooked meal once in a while. Hope members volunteer to make a meal and deliver it to the home. Are you interested in preparing a meal? Have you been released from the hospital? 

Do you need help with meals? Please contact Katherine Enderle at 608-343-1047 (call or text) or k.enderle@yahoo.com.

Sermons Online 

Follow us online for access to sermons and Messages of Hope devotions. Videos of each are posted weekly on our YouTube channel and can be found on the home page of our website as well as our Facebook and Instagram social media channels. 

For those who do not have internet access, Weekly Sermon and Message of Hope DVD videos can be checked out from the church office. Call the church office at 920-922-5130 with any questions you may have. 

Follow our Facebook page where you will find daily posts devotional posts as well. 

Giving Online 

You are able to send your offerings through electronic transfer. One-time or reoccurring payments can be setup using either a checking/savings account or a credit card. All transactions are secured and completed through GivePlus and Vanco Payment Systems. This service also allows members to electronically make their MRD from their 401. Select “Give” on the church website to get started.

Free Transportation 

Are you or someone you know in need of a ride to Hope Lutheran Church to attend worship
services at no cost to you? The Board of Outreach is offering cab fare to and from Hope for any of our worship services for those in need. Please contact Quality Cab at 920-929-8888 for a ride.

A Community of Faith in the Heart of Fond du Lac
